118: Mandy Thompson: Intent data pitfalls, diagram-first automation, and agency-style team management

Mandy shares powerful mindsets and practical frameworks for marketers aiming to future-proof their careers in the complex galaxy of martech mixed up with AI, data privacy, and genuine customer engagement. We cover the art of documentation to avoid feeling like you’re in an Indiana Jones adventure sifting through digital cobwebs from ghosts of marketers past when you dive into a company’s martech setup. More

117: Julz James: Automation inception, teaching martech and unraveling intent data

Automation Inception. Layered dreams of efficiency. Meet Dr. Julz James. She’s using martech to automate the process of automation itself at 6sense. She’s creating a system that can independently initiate and manage its own set of tasks without human intervention. She’s a MOps leader at 6sense, a part time Marketing Professor, and she’s also a tattoo and piercing studio owner.More