95: Battle of the CDPs: Packaged vs. Composable, 10 Experts Weigh In

The debate between packaged and composable CDPs boils down to a trade-off between out-of-the-box functionality and tailored flexibility, with industry opinions divided on what offers greater long-term value. Key factors to consider are company needs and data team size. But if you do decide to explore the composable route, consider tools that focus on seamless integration and adaptability rather than those who claim to replace existing CDPs.More

91: David Chan: How dual-zone approach and journey orchestration are reshaping CDPs

Expect to reevaluate the roles of older platforms in your martech stack as CDPs get smarter. And if your organization’s data strategy resembles more of a herding cats scenario than a well-oiled machine, maybe it’s time to look into that dual-zone approach. It’s a way to make sure everyone from your IT folks to your marketing creatives are playing from the same strategic playbook.More

86: Deanna Ballew: Embracing open source composable martech, AI literacy and qualitative insights

Deanna demystifies martech jargon, highlighting DAM for digital asset management and DXP for personalized user experiences. She weighs packaged vs. composable solutions, underlining the role of company-specific dynamics. Emphasizing innovation, she points to AI and customer feedback as key guides. Deanna underscores AI’s potential to elevate marketers, and champions qualitative data for a richer marketing narrative.More